by Anne Warren | Apr 10, 2024 | Art, art workshops melbourne, Assemblage, Collage, Exhibition
Our two groups are working beautifully making collage from books and magazines. Our North Fitzroy group has grown and our Fairfield group is full. As we meet in a coffee shop I don’t think we can push the kindness of the cafe owners with too many more papers flying around. I would always be happy to help you to establish a group in your own area (if its not too far from me). I don’t have to attend but would like to discuss how we work out what happens, themes, meeting place and times, experience of participants. Please let me know in an email if you would like to discuss further. We do not pay anything except of course buying a coffee and something to eat from the cafe (that is essential). The cat below is really tiny approx 10cm x 4cm on watercolour paper. The giraffe family and the girl with pigtails are approx 9cm x 12cm on wood backing. These two are assemblages of found images, collage, pen, toys etc. They needed polka dots.
I’m still teaching casual classes in painting, collage and assemblage – let me know if you are interested.
If you have made any collage please send me a picture, especially if you have made to one of our themes. Latest themes were tomato and a previous one that was difficult and easy was self portrait. Good luck if you have a go. This post is mainly about #melbournecollagemeets. See more on instagram, if not following please do. 🙂 My insta is #annewarrenart.

Welcome Cat

by Anne Warren | Mar 15, 2024 | Art, art workshops melbourne, Assemblage, Collage
Next meeting for North Fitzroy Collage group is Tomato (Tue the 19th). Fairfield group had a ball with this subject. Yes a red round squashy ball.
Next meeting on Thursday for Fairfield group has the prompt ‘birds’ (Thurs the 21st).
The bird below is an old one that I animated and moved the legs for it to walk. Simple but fun. The tomato below I gifted to Cal (the young bearded man that we met a couple of months ago). He often comes to the cafe to study and or to make his small abstract artworks. He gave me a new work so I now have two of his which I love.
Any variation of the prompt is ok and if by chance the prompt is not working for you, that is also ok for you to make something entirely different.
For all the newbies please reach out to Marija or myself if you need any help.
Marija, not sure if you have noticed but there are lots of cafe customers at the North Fitzroy meet that show interest. You might need to decide whether you take their details (email) for a place in the future or for a fundraising event in the future if they like the work. They are so friendly there.
Keep looking and liking and posting to #melbournecollagemeets on instagram. If you are not in our group but you like making collage, feel free to make a work and tag it for @melbournecollagemeets and Jenny will post it on our site.

bird, collage, small scale, found image,

by Anne Warren | Feb 4, 2024 | Art, art workshops melbourne, Assemblage, Collage
I have an art workshop coming up on Saturday 17th of February 10.00am to 12.30pm. Everything will be supplied for you to make a freestanding character or wall art character or if you would prefer, to make a block assemblage instead. It is a very small class so can only take one or two people for this one. We will discuss selection of images from books, what works and what does not. We will talk about the application of glue and how to hang your work and even more importantly how to edit your work. I will supply you with books for images, paper, card, different types of glue and how to select and use the most appropriate one. We will discuss balance. So all in all you will be getting a workshop in making collage that will be extended in a slightly more sculptural way. Contact me on the contact page via email
Cat girl

Green Car Assemblage
by Anne Warren | Jan 15, 2024 | Art, art workshops melbourne, Assemblage, Collage
Here are a few new works made this year 2024. The paper collage ‘lady with blue dress’ was made under the theme ‘newspaper’ for the Melbourrne Collage Meets group.
I continued making cards on watercolour paper (could be framed by the owner).

Something entirely different that so far has had about five different versions. The last thing painted was the cherries and the houses. Probably still working on it. 
Our next collage group meeting will be a workshop with me to make a village with wood blocks, paper cutouts etc and then make a stop motion video. I will attempt to post it here when that happens.
I hope you are all having a great start to 2024. I love getting comments so please stay in touch. Anne
by Anne Warren | Dec 12, 2023 | Uncategorized

Red Hippo Assemblage

Assemblage of found objects
Still a little over a week to go for my exhibition at Fairfield Library Gallery Walk (Station Street Fairfield). Hope you get a chance to see it. Everything is listed on the QR code however if you go to my website I have all the works on paper and sculptural assemblages listed (also priced). Just contact me directly if you are interested in anything. I can deliver if local or post to you if you are far.
Cetta Pilati who is also exhibiting has some gorgeous marble and steel works. They are some of the very smallest work she has made so it is a great opportunity to collect a piece if you have been thinking about it. Go to Works on Paper and Sculpture page for details and of course contact page if you need to send me a request or to ask for more information.