Eleven years ago I made lots of characters and then stopped until now. I can’t tell you why but I am hooked again. have been making collage characters using different source material including books, magazines etc blending scale, colours and all sorts of things. These characters are stiffened using layers of paper and glue. They look best free on the wall and so all that all you need is a bit of bluetack and they stay. I sometimes use a small wood block on the back so they stick out from the wall and create shadows. Here are a few for you to see and the remainder are currently on my Insta story. Hope you have fun looking at them as much as I like making them. I might even do a workshop in making these as they really are so enjoyable to make. You could think about making a specific one for a family member combining all their loves e.g. food, fashion, dancing. Let me know if you would like to be contacted for this and if weekday or weekend is best for you. I will propose some dates a little later.

A cross for sure with Harry (you know who) and BTS member (Korean Pop Band) although I know that is a Japanese image but as I said, its a Hybrid.

I’m sure I’ve seen her walking around Smith Street, Collingwood in the 60’s. There is always a reason for someone to be drawn to an image, their background, their specific likes etc and that is why collage is unique even though it is pulled together from existing images. It is more than putting a big head on a small body (even though that in itself is hilarious).

Please check out my video of the latest 7 characters on stories on instagram as it only last for 24 hours.