Art for All is a Fairfield Primary School Art Exhibition

The exhibition is over 3 days from the 6th to the 8th September 2024.

I will be showing collage and assemblage at the Gallery shop.  Here are a couple of the pieces that will be on display.  The woman sitting on the pineapple holding the yellow flower has a little stitching on it and the shakespearean woman is raised in 3D on a book cover called Shakespeare (it was old and damaged I don’t cut up just anything).  All three unique pieces will be in the gallery shop with another 14 pieces all of different sizes and subject matter.  Oops I almost forgot the hydrangeas are a painting on Arches watercolour paper.

Hope you will stop by and have a look at the shop as well as the larger exhibition.


Community arts

Painting, Assemblage, Collage, Stitching

Sample of work being shown at Fairfield PS Gallery Shop



Collage and Mixed Media Artwork

Here are three collage works made to a theme suggested by our group Melbourne Collage Meets.  The first prompt and image was wreath or circle, the second was dog and the third was Flinders Street Station (a famous Melbourne landmark).  The next two images are acrylic paintings on watercolour paper of hydrangeas with a little pencil work on them.

Our Melbourne Collage Meets group have now been meeting for a few years at a Fairfield Cafe and our newest group in Fitzroy North have been meeting for around 6 months.  The latest news is that a new group will be formed very soon, possibly in Ivanhoe or somewhere surrounding this area.  If you are interested please know these meetings are free, they are not workshops yet we do influence one another.  The only cost would be to buy a coffee and cake or similar to support the cafe we meet at.  More information can be supplied if you contact me.