Collage Workshop 17th February 24
I have an art workshop coming up on Saturday 17th of February 10.00am to 12.30pm. Everything will be supplied for you to make a freestanding character or wall art character or if you would prefer, to make a block assemblage instead. It is a very small class so can only take one or two people for this one. We will discuss selection of images from books, what works and what does not. We will talk about the application of glue and how to hang your work and even more importantly how to edit your work. I will supply you with books for images, paper, card, different types of glue and how to select and use the most appropriate one. We will discuss balance. So all in all you will be getting a workshop in making collage that will be extended in a slightly more sculptural way. Contact me on the contact page via email
Cat girl

Green Car Assemblage